RIDDOR Reportable Diseases

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Reporting Occupational Diseases under RIDDOR

Employers and the self-employed are required to report certain occupational diseases that are likely to have been caused or aggravated by their work. These diseases must be diagnosed by a doctor, and the diagnosis must be provided in writing to the employer. The diagnosis may pertain to a new condition or the worsening of an existing one.

Reportable Diseases

The following diseases are reportable under RIDDOR:

Severe Cramp of the Hand or Forearm

This condition is reportable when it is chronic and occurs in individuals whose work involves long periods of repetitive movements of the fingers, hand, or arm. For example, it affects those who perform repetitive tasks and impairs their ability to carry out their normal duties. Acute cramp instances experienced at work do not qualify as reportable.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, though not always work-related, should be reported if it is caused by work factors. This is often linked to hand-held vibrating tools such as sanders or grinders.

Occupational Dermatitis

Occupational Dermatitis is reportable when it results from regular exposure to known skin sensitisers or irritants at work. If the dermatitis can be proven to be solely due to exposure outside the workplace, it does not need to be reported.

Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome

This condition is reportable when an individual regularly works with percussive or vibrating tools, or frequently holds a material subjected to such tools.


Asthma must be reported if it is linked to work-related exposure to respiratory sensitisers, such as solder fumes, wood dust, or epoxy resin fumes. However, if the asthma was pre-existing and not triggered or worsened by work-related exposure, it does not need to be reported.


Tendonitis, which involves tendon injury, is reportable when it results from physically demanding, repetitive tasks. Such tasks may include repeated lifting, constrained postures, or extreme movements, such as in bricklaying or assembly line work.

Diseases Attributed to Biological Agents

Report any disease attributed to occupational exposure to biological agents, including:

  • Leptospirosis
  • Tuberculosis
  • Hepatitis
  • Anthrax
  • Legionellosis
  • Tetanus

Ensure that these conditions are reported in accordance with RIDDOR regulations to maintain compliance and safeguard workplace health.