What Information Goes in the Accident Book

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How to Complete an Accident Report

The accident report books are designed to simplify the process of accurately completing reports. The following sections outline the essential information required for a comprehensive report:

Required Information for the Report

1. Personal Details

The report must include the name, address, and occupation of both the individual who had the accident and the person recording the incident.

2. Accident Details

Provide detailed information about the accident, including:

  • Date and Time: When did the accident occur?
  • Location: Where did the accident take place?
  • Circumstances: How did the accident happen?
  • Injury Details: If there was an injury, specify what it was.

The individual completing the report must sign and date it.

3. Employee Consent

The employee involved must also sign and date the report. They should tick the consent box if they agree to their personal information and details of the accident being used by representatives.

4. Employer Section

The final section is reserved for employer use only. For accidents that need to be reported under RIDDOR, this section must include:

  • Reporting Information: How and when the accident was reported.
  • Employer's Signature: The report should be signed and dated by the employer.