RIDDOR What and How to Report
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RIDDOR Reporting Guidelines for Fatalities, Injuries, and Dangerous Occurrences
Under RIDDOR (The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013), it is mandatory to report fatalities, specified injuries, and dangerous occurrences without delay. This includes:
Reporting Fatalities and Injuries
- All deaths of workers and non-workers must be reported if they result from a work-related accident. This includes fatalities caused by acts of physical violence against a worker. However, suicides are excluded from this requirement.
- Specified injuries and dangerous occurrences must also be reported to RIDDOR without delay.
How to Report
Most reports should now be submitted through the HSE website, where online forms are available for completion. After submitting the report, you will receive a copy for your records.
For reporting fatalities and specified injuries only, a telephone service is available. However, all other reports must be completed online.
Exceptions to Reporting Requirements
Reports are generally not required for:
- Deaths or injuries resulting from medical or dental treatment, or examinations carried out by or under the supervision of a doctor.
- Duties carried out by members of the armed forces while on duty.
Road Traffic Accidents
Road traffic accidents involving a moving vehicle on a public road do not need to be reported unless:
- The accident is associated with loading or unloading operations or work being carried out alongside the road, such as construction or maintenance.
Additionally, leaks or escapes of substances being transported by a vehicle, and accidents involving trains, do not need to be reported.