The Accident Book

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Accident Book Requirements for Employers

Under social security law, employers with more than 10 employees, or those who own or operate a mine, quarry, or factory, must maintain an accident book. Ideally, all employers should keep an accident book to record any work-related incidents. This book not only helps in recording accidents but also aids in managing health and safety effectively.

Recording Work-Related Accidents

The accident book is essential for documenting details of both minor accidents and injuries that employers are required to report under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR). Each page in the book includes a tick box, allowing the injured person to give consent for their personal information to be shared with safety representatives. This consent enables representatives to perform their statutory functions more efficiently.

Privacy and Data Protection

Modern accident books are designed with privacy in mind. Each record can be removed and stored securely, in compliance with Data Protection Regulations. This ensures that the privacy of individuals involved in accidents is maintained.

Employer Responsibilities

When an injured person provides consent by ticking the box and signing the record, the employer must disclose the information to safety representatives or employee safety representatives. If consent is not given, the information should be anonymised before disclosure.

Managing and Using Accident Information

Employers should discuss how to share information with all involved parties to ensure it supports health and safety objectives. Each accident should be thoroughly investigated, with findings used to prevent recurrence. Risk assessments and other relevant documentation should be updated as necessary. Keeping employees informed about accidents is also a crucial part of maintaining a safe workplace.